Birmingham & Midland Marine Services have been providing specialist occupational water safety, rescue, and commercial boat handling courses since 2013. Marine safety, rescue and access services are also available across the West Midlands for industry.

Training courses on offer at both our centres; Gailey Wharf, and the Chillington Estate, satisfy both DEFRA and the Maritime and Coast Guard Agency requirements, for personnel working on, near, above and in the water.

Water safety & rescue training aligns with both the MCA and, the DEFRA ‘Flood Rescue Concept of Operations’ documentation, (Con-Ops), November 2019 revision; including DEFRA Module 1) run to the Annex ‘H’ syllabus, for non-blue-light personnel working waterside, particularly for those staff planning entry to the water, to ‘wading depth’. (Non-Buoyant). This course has been adopted by the Environment Agency and Industry in general as the ‘go-to’ qualification for commercial operations waterside.